
Pure Lavender essential oil can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can be used to treat skin irritations and rashes. It is rich in powerful antioxidants that can reduce dark spots and pigmentation. This oil is extracted by steam distillation, which preserves the best properties of Lavender leaves and flowers.


The herb of lavender, which has many culinary uses, can also be used as an essential oil. It is known for its numerous therapeutic properties. Our Lavender Essential oil is made from high quality lavenders. It is undiluted and pure. Because of its many benefits, we offer concentrated Lavender Oil. It is widely used in Aromatherapy and Cosmetics, as well as Skin Care applications.

Packaging: 10ml, 50 ML, 100 ML, 250 ML, 500 ML, 1 Litre.

Add to bath water to relax & refresh your body.

Add 2 to 3 drops of Essential oil to any Carrier oil and apply on hair & skin for best results.

  Botonical NameLavandula Officinalis
 CAS 8000-28-0
  Country OriginKashmir [INDIA]
  Color & Odorcolorless to pale yellow clear liquid with lavender odor
 SolubilitySoluble in alcohol. insoluble in water
 Specific Gravity0.87700 – 0.89200 @ 25.00 °C
 Optical Rotation(-8°) – (+2°) @ 20°C
 Refractive Index1.45700 – 1.46400 @ 20.00 °C
  Flash Point182.00 °F
Storage HandlingStore in tightly sealed. preferably full container. Protect from heat and light.
Storage TemperatureAmbient 10½C – 32½C
 Extraction MethodSupercritical CO2 Extraction

Uses: Since ancient times. lavender oil has been used to make beauty products. Lavender oil also has medicinal properties. It can be used to treat severe headaches and nerve pain. It can also be used for severe headaches. It can also be used to treat a variety of respiratory problems. It can also be used for digestive problems. It can also be used to heal wounds and treat pain.

Countries We Export: Thailand, Gabon, India, Tibet, Australia, Austria, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Ecuador, Nigeria, Chile, Czech Republic, Philippines, Iran, Chile, Netherlands, Canada, Namibia, Lithuania, Italy, Qatar, Colombia, Russia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Nigeria, Angola, Sri Lanka, Libya, Hong Kong, Poland, Peru, Mexico, United Kingdom, Brazil, Costa Rica, South Korea, Finland, Mexico, Kuwait, Switzerland, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Nepal, Norway, Puerto Rico, Yemen, Romania, Mongolia etc.

Additional information

1 Litre, 10 ML, 100 ML, 200 ML, 250 ML, 50 ML, 500 ML